Friday, April 23, 2010

Daily Exercise & Diet # 2

Today was a pretty good day I think. I incorporated a lot into my exercise routine, and I ate a little healthier. So lets show you what I did!

Speed Walking | Cardio | Time: 30 Min's

Sit Ups | Strength Training/Toning | Reps: 2 sets of 10
Planks | Strength Training/Toning | Reps: 4 (both sides, and then the normal plank twice)

Squats | Strength Training/Toning | Reps: 2 sets of 10
Lunges | Strength Training/Toning | Reps: 2 sets of 10

Curl Ups | Strength Training/Toning | Reps: 2 sets of 10 w/ 10 lbs each hand
Side Lifts | Strength Training/Toning | Reps: 2 sets of 10 w/ 10 lbs each hand
Arm/Shoulder Raised over head | Strength Training/Toning | Reps: 2 sets of 10 w/ 10lbs each hand
Back Raises (over my head) | Strength Training/Toning | Reps: 2 sets of 10 w/ 10 lbs held with two hands.

So yeah I really did a lot today for me! Um sorry I don't know what the exact exercises are called. If you have any questions on them just comment and I will try to explain them the best I can. Now on to food!

- 1 glass of water
- 1 whole grain banana nut muffin

Lunch:- 1 100 cal bag of Doritos
- 1 Peach Green Tea Metabolism Crystal Light

- 2 grilled hot dogs on wheat buns and ketchup & mustard
- 1 Lemonade Crystal Light

Snack 1:
- 1 cinnamon stick with frosting filled center.

Just a side note. I usually make the metabolism Crystal Light in the morning and it lasts me until about dinner time, and then around dinner I make a lemonade Crystal Light, or a Skin Essentials one. I make them in a 20oz bottle. It keeps me from reaching for the soda lol. Um you may not think I eat enough, but honestly I feel a person should only eat when there hungry and eat until there full. Well today that filled me up. Some days I do eat more, but usually I don't eat that much.

& I have actually lost 2 lbs already!!! & I actually weighed myself after eating! So it may be even less!

So yeah please comment and give me some more ideas. I have no idea how to get people to follow my blogs to be quite honest. But even if no one wants to this is my own personal fitness journal.

- Rose Weese

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