Thursday, April 22, 2010

Daily Exercise & Diet # 1

Ok so today is kind of the start of my fitness journey, so I started out sweet and simple. My sister and I speed walked for half an hour before dinner, and then another half hour after dinner. That was basically it today. lol I know that's probably terrible, but we kind of got a late start on it today.

Exercise: Speed Walking | Category: Cardio| Time: 1 hour

So now we are on to what I ate today. & yes I'm not going to skimp out, I will be completely honest!

Well... I slept in very late today so I didn't eat breakfast
-1 glass of water

-5 saltine crackers w/ tuna (2 tbs mayo, a dash of salt, and a dash of pepper for seasoning) (about 130 calories or so.. could even be less)
-Lemonade Crystal light (5 calories)

Snack 1:
-1 zebra cake (100 calories)

-1 small bowl of chili
-1 small piece of garlic bread
-1 glass of water

Snack 2:
-1 zebra cake again! lol
-1 cup mint hot cocoa with low fat milk

So as you can see I'm not a huge calorie counter. I feel like you can eat what you want in proportion. This isn't as healthy as I would like, but it wasn't too bad today. I have dramatically cut down my portion sizes, and snacking though. Actually everyday, but today I have eaten much healthier lol. I only had that second snack because I watched a move called Triangle (don't watch it, it was stupid!) & I have to go grocery shopping again for healthy foods since all my sister ever buys is junk food. So tomorrow will hopefully be better!

My goal for tomorrow is to eat less unhealthy snacks and to workout a bit more.
I think I will play an hour of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), do some strength training, and still do my speed walking.

Well I hope this helps inspire you. Remember, you don't need fancy gym equipment to get in shape. As long as you have access to a place you can walk, and you have your body you can get a great workout. Try doing sit ups, push ups, planks, and lunges, and speed walking everyday! If you are going to join me on my fitness journey, then please comment with some awesome exercises and food recipes that you use!

- Rose Weese

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